You have probably on more than one occasion received a special or important call that you wish you could have saved. However, usually devices do not give you the opportunity to do so. Precisely for this reason, thanks to CallsBOX you can do it whenever you need to quickly and easily.
As the name of the CallsBOX application itself suggests, it allows you to record all calls from your Android device, both outgoing calls made from your terminal, as well as those you have received. Best of all, you can save as many as you want without having to worry about taking up space on your smartphone's memory, as they will be saved in the cloud automatically.
The way to start any recording in CallsBOX is simply to tap on the 'rec' button shown on the main screen. However, if you need to modify the sound quality or any other technical aspect, it will be as simple as going to the settings and changing the parameters you want.
In short, CallsBOX is a great alternative that allows you to easily record the audio of all conversations of calls made and received from your smartphone.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Very, very beautiful